
As a gallery working with contemporary artists, Telephonebooth takes pride in consistently showing art of merit.

This has been the gallery program since 1995.

Working with artists, sharing current work with other artists and sharing work with civilians able to engage and ask questions are the priorities of the gallery, in that order.

Working with artists often takes much work. For a solo show that means multiple studio visits and a range of development activities to prepare art and the artist for presentation.

Group shows are a way to begin a work process with the gallery and a place where the gallery can see not only the work of the artist but the working style of the artist. Many artists make fabulous objects but very challenging to work with and need lots of development time.

This gallery has a very small budget and artists that need large amounts of support and aren't willing to contribute to the work of translation will not find this gallery a good match.

The gallery hosts two group shows a year that are open to new artists, the Summer Salon and the Winter Invitational.

Artists without previous work at Telephonebooth are welcome to send applications before April for the Summer Salon and before October for the Winter Invitational.

Applications should be sent by postal mail only.

Please send a cd with images, letter of introduction and artist statement to:

Telephonebooth Applications
3319 troost
64109 USA
