new program
I've never had a themed group show because I've always held the opinion that artists are gonna make what they are gonna make. This year I am requesting something specific...
Initial statement, parameters:
Cultural production during Soviet system often had to use heavily veiled metaphor to index a level of revolt. There is even a particular flavor of irony called the russian reversal, to express dismay at the intellectual pretext used for "progress".
Here in the middle of the United States we have a long history of extremely regressive politics using all kinds of batshit crazy reasons to excuse its stupidity, as if just being proud of it was a reason.
Artists with a progressive outlook live under a condition similar to those artists living as minorities throughout history, but somehow Soviet Realties has a specific subtext and location historically.
I am requesting current progressive cultural producers make image-text pieces that can be freely used by protest groups. The idea is to be relevant and communicate relevant information to people who are not stupid but are stubbornly determined to believe in their position.
Requirements are that word-image be digitally printable, not larger than 20 x 30 @ 300dpi rgb jpeg and open source MIT 2.0.
The gallery will be allowed to print maximum 10 images for sale, any sales will be split 40/60 gallery/artists and gallery given permission to make image available for use by people that need to communicate, not for resale, free of charge, with attribution or pseudonym.
The 2017 Summer Salon will open in October 6th, need to see proposals in September to include in promotion.
This series will be ongoing for at least the next 2 years.
The Summer Salon and the Winter Invitational will be titled Soviet Realities and Balkan States.
Please use the contact form to begin application.