The Pitch, Annie Raab, art review, Andy Messerschmidt, Agroccult
Insightful and constructive words from Annie Raab published in the Oct. 27th edition of the Pitch,
From the review:
"With so many opportunities for the images to express a guilt whose origins are linked to crimes against fellowship, the work remains unsentimental. The destruction of traditions and beliefs seems like a big target when dealing with our relationship to the land and its occupants, but the work celebrates more often than it laments. Messerschmidt finds something transcendent in the passing of rituals and practices — the physical removal of fur to provide warmth for some other being, men passing around a bottle of booze, Santa tying a scarf onto a penguin. Throughout our culture and its roots, he sees beliefs and habits interwoven to form a comprehensive mythology."
Show remains up thru November 28, 2015